Pain is weakness leaving the body

I had always been making excuses and avoiding exercising. I would just not get up and hit the floor, as if workouts repelled me outright. But recently after my civil services mains examination I decided to shed those,  embarrassing extra kilos. Earlier, I always had a bunch of pre prepared excuses ready, like

1) Going to Gym is nothing special, rather it can be easily replaced with exercising at home.

2) Going to Gym may not be the best option for health, as one will regain fat after quitting gym.

3) I just cannot exercise.

4) I can easily control diet and there is no need for me to join a Gym.

5)Barriers To Workout and How to Overcome Them  etc.

Then suddenly, a thought struck my mind that, may be, I am just avoiding something very good and important because of inertia. May be all excuses were to avoid the pain which is part of a process towards something great.

At that very moment, I decided to join a Gym. My first day at Gym was in itself a journey, towards a new discovery about myself. I realised that though there is pain involved but pain is not the only thing. Rather pain is just a small part of something grand and great. The enthusiasm, the vigour, the exuberance, the excitement one experiences after exercising make a person feel lively and worthy.

One gets to encounter the hidden strength of body and mind. One can test the strength of will-power or may use exercise to increase it.

Now, the objective has totally shifted from loosing weight to getting FIT and increasing stamina. Though, I must confess that I am still in nascent stages of exercising.

Photo: GYM Motivation | Motivational Quotes, Pictures & Videos

But,the show must go on. I want to reach the pinnacle of my health.